Remembering John Harkins
The FSMH community is remembering the life and gifts of John Harkins, former Head of FSMH, who recently passed away at the age of 82 in Seattle. John served as the fifth and longest-serving headmaster (as they were called at the time) of Friends School Mullica Hill from 1989 to 2000. The history of the school that was written on the occasion of the 25th anniversary describes John and the...
Teacher Appreciation Week Story
This imaginative story was written by FSMH parent Rachel Owens in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you, Rachel! Enjoy! Once upon a time in the faraway land of Mullica Hill, nestled into a beautiful campus of rolling hills and grand, old trees, sat a little kingdom called “Friends”. Friends was ruled by the kind and giving Teacher Matt, who always put the children first....
Nature Notes by T. Peter
Right Around the Corner – Hummingbirds! The ruby-throated hummingbirds are almost here. When I checked the website and looked at the migration map, these little hummers have reached Maryland and will be here soon. For those of us who love watching these amazing birds during the course of the summer, get your feeders ready. These bitsy-sized birds (weighing 3 grams and can be...
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