50th Timeline: 1973 – Welcome, Ken Erdley
As mentioned in an earlier post, the Founding Head of School, Mary Clare Wohlford, announced that she planned to resign and move to Virginia at the conclusion of the 1972-1973 academic year. In March 1973, the Board of Trustees named Ken Erdley to follow Wohlford as the second Head of School. Research across many schools suggests that the transition from a Founding Head is always a challenge,...
50th Timeline: 1973 – The First High School Graduation
The capstone event in the early history of the School was the graduation of the first high school class. Due to the number of individuals graduating, which included some juniors who had met graduation requirements through outstanding individual progress, the graduation took place in the familiar Woodstown Meeting House. Many from this first graduating class have remained connected to the...
50th Timeline: 1973 – Joining the Friends Council on Education
As discussed in the previous post, the State of New Jersey recognized Friends School for its proper curriculum in time for the 1973 graduation, but Friends School Mullica also included a focus on Quakerism from the very beginning. According to Stanton Langworthy’s history of the school’s early years, the Lower School focused on “self-discipline, understanding-forgiveness,...
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