50th Timeline: 1996 – Facilities Master Plan Completed
One of the key goals of the Long-Range Plan discussed last time had been to “develop a master plan for the school’s facilities.” The School quickly made good on this goal by hiring an architectural firm with experience in planning. The resulting document was all that trustees could have hoped, as it was based on extensive outreach to all members of the community and based on the genuine program...
50th Timeline: 1994 – The Long-Range Plan
The mid-1990s were a very reflective time in the history of the School due to a combination of factors, including the accreditation process, the celebration of the School’s 25th anniversary, the difficult decision to lay down the Upper School, and the energetic leadership of John Harkins. Among the first of the many results of this deep thinking was the creation of a marketing video by Keith...
50th Timeline: 1993 – Middle States Accreditation Received
One of John Harkins’s goals had been to see Friends School Mullica Hill achieve official accreditation by the New Jersey Association of Independent Schools and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Such accreditation would be validation of the great effort made by teachers and staff over many years to bring the School up to the most rigorous and professional standards. It would...
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