We are thrilled to announce that our resident pair of bluebirds has successfully brought to our world three new bluebirds. The three fledged from the nest earlier this week only to leave an empty nest. 7th graders removed the old nest and remarkably the two parents began making a new nest and starting the whole process over. We do have wonderful parents here at Friends School. However, our bluebird parents are right up there with the best. Both the male and female were so attentive to their nests and babies throughout the whole process.
Every morning as I walked from my truck to the Hanshi building, I would watch mom and dad come and go from the nest. A couple weeks ago they were also so patient when we took the little birds out to band them. It is simply a joy to have helped the 7th grade with this important conservation project. It is also thrilling to have the other students in the younger grades to come up to me and burst with excitement, “I just saw the bluebirds!” If you didn’t get a chance to view the cobalt blue male or the loving mother bluebird, you have another whole nest cycle to enjoy. Hurray for the bluebirds!
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