The year of two campuses described in the last post ended sourly for some. Tensions between those working on expanding the School and those in Woodbury Monthly Meeting developed during the year and led to a dramatic meeting of the Friends School Corporation and the Woodbury Friends School Committee on May 3, 1970. At that difficult Meeting, it was agreed that the relationship could not continue and that Woodbury Friends School would cease to exist and that all operations would be transferred to Mullica Hill. This separation was a “scarring” experience for many at Woodbury and tensions remained for many years following. The result, however, was that Friends School would be completely independent and not under the care of any particular Meeting. Fortunately, Mullica Hill Monthly Meeting proved receptive to their new neighbor using the Meetinghouse for worship and other activities from time to time.
This historical entry is part of a series chronicling the history of Friends School Mullica Hill on the occasion of the School’s 50th anniversary. The entries begin with the first arrival of Quakers in the region and continue all the way to the present under the leadership of the School’s ninth Head, Matt Bradley.
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