The coming of Spring was always something much anticipated and meant a return to outdoor playtime and different sports over the years, such as baseball, softball, and track. In 2007, Friends School Mullica Hill fielded a softball team and a track team. The Spring also was a time for two very special and long-running events at the School. One was the Spring Auction, the premier fundraiser for the School as well as a wonderful community event that connected current parents, former parents, Board members, staff, and local Quakers. John Bond recalled that the “first time I came to an auction is the time I really realized this was a special place. I looked around and I saw people that were family members to each other… and I saw the relationships that were built here, and I understood that this was a really special place.” As important as the Auction was to the School, it may have been topped by the Spring Musical. Although performed and supported by Middle School students, the musical was an all-school event as Lower School students eagerly attended the musical and dreamed about their participation in the future.
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