Applications to Friends School Mullica Hill are accepted on a rolling basis. A completed application, along with a $52 non-refundable application fee, is required to begin the admissions process.
Online Application
To apply to FSMH, please use our online application through RenWeb, the third-party company we use to manage our applications and enrollment.
Admissions Policy
Friends School Mullica Hill seeks students who can contribute to and benefit from our program. Students are selected for admission to the school on the basis of academic potential, developmental maturity, school achievement, and readiness for the school’s program. Where appropriate, testing is used as a tool to provide information to assist in the assessment of each candidate. In all cases, the school retains the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether or not to select a student for admission or to re-enroll a student. Typically, admission decisions are based upon multiple criteria:
• Academic readiness or qualification;
• Maturity;
• Affiliation with the school;
• Diversity and gender balance;
• Appropriateness of the match between the family and the school.
Preference in admission is given to siblings of current and former students, children of alumni, and Quaker children.
When the school cannot offer a place to a child, we can offer counsel on other schools that may be able to accommodate the student. When there are more qualified candidates than openings available, the school establishes an unranked waiting list. If any opening occurs, the Admissions Committee recommends which candidate(s) to offer a position based on the overall profile of the class and the match between the needs and qualifications of the student with the needs of the school.
It is the policy of the school not to discriminate in violation of the law on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, or a disability which is unrelated to the ability to enjoy the benefits of the school’s program, facilities, or services. All persons are encouraged to apply.
Friends School Mullica Hill Admissions Process
The purpose of our admissions process is to ensure that the student and the school will be the best possible match.
To start the admissions process, please complete the online application and submit the application fee ($52).
Steps for Pre-Kindergarten
1. Open group assessments or one hour group playdate visit with peer group
2. Two-hour classroom visit if extended time is required for assessment
3. Student screening appointment with Director of Enrollment as needed
Steps for Kindergarten through Grade 5
1. Classroom visit/teacher assessment
2. Student screening/testing appointment with Director of Enrollment
3. Copies of child’s current report card and most recent standardized test scores
4. Confidential Teacher Recommendation Form completed by child’s current school
Steps for Middle School (Grades 6 to 8)
1. Comprehensive Testing Program for the Educational Records Bureau (ERB) – selected sections administered at FSMH
2. Full day classroom visit/teacher assessment and screening
3. Interview with MS Lead Teacher
4. Copies of child’s current report card and most recent standardized test scores
5. Confidential Teacher Recommendation Form completed by child’s current school
The final decision on admission will be made by the Director of Enrollment, Lead Teacher, and the Head of School in coordination with the appropriate classroom teacher(s) and the Admissions Committee.
Friends School Mullica Hill admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Friends School Mullica Hill does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admission policies, financial aid programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
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